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Monday March 4th, 2013   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 8:02am PST   •  

President Obama finally admitted the truth about the spending cuts mandated by his sequester as he officially signed off on them on Friday, March 1, 2013:

That comment almost completes the President’s change in tune from the kinds of claims he was making just 9 days earlier.

However, much as it takes time to get an aircraft carrier moving or to turn one around, the President apparently couldn’t resist telling other fables of government budget cut terror:

During his news conference to announce that he and congressional leaders failed to avert the sequester cuts going into effect tonight, President Obama gave several examples of people who will be directly affected by the cuts. It turns out, however, that one of those examples was in error.

“[A]ll the folks who are cleaning the floors at the Capitol — now that Congress has left, somebody is going to be vacuuming and cleaning those floors and throwing out the garbage — they’re going to have less pay,” Mr. Obama said. “The janitors, the security guards, they just got a pay cut, and they’ve got to figure out how to manage that. That’s real.”

The president’s mention prompted Carlos Elias, the superintendent of the U.S. Capitol building and the Capitol Visitors Center, to email his employees within hours of Mr. Obama’s comment.

“The pay and benefits of EACH of our employees WILL NOT be impacted,” Elias wrote.

“There was a specific mention in the news today by a high ranking official that said ‘The employees that clean and maintain the US Capitol will receive a cut in pay’ (not specific quote but very close to it),” Elias continued.

“This is NOT TRUE,” wrote Elias. “Therefore, I request that you please notify all of our employees about the importance of ignoring media reports.”

With that kind of track record with respect to the truth, we don’t even want to think about whether President Obama’s other memorable quote from his news conference is true or not:

You’ll just have to judge that one for yourself!

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March 2013