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The Political Calculations of Obamacare

Thursday November 7th, 2013   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 6:47pm PST   •  

Here’s a little blurb we caught a couple days ago over at Instapundit:

WAPO: How Political Calculation Won Out Over Technical Considerations with “They were running the biggest start-up in the world, and they didn’t have anyone who had run a start-up, or even run a business.”

It caught my attention because it mentioned Political Calculations, which readers of this blog will recognize as one of my favorite sources for analysis. Here’s a sampling of the kind of content that has appeared there in recent weeks regarding Obamacare, which turns out to be chock full of the kind of technical considerations that the Obama administration’s Obamacare implementation team would appear to have never really considered, since much of it approaches the idea of Obamacare from a personal finance perspective:

Obamacare: Should You Pay the Premium or the Tax?
We ask the question and provide a tool where you can do the math to answer the question for yourself!
The Sebelius Solution
You might be surprised to find out that Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, effectively endorsed the idea of ditching buying health insurance in favor of paying Obamacare’s small income tax!
Obamacare: Will Making a Little More Income Cost You Thousands?
We show how crossing certain critical income thresholds can cost you the subsidies that make your Obamacare health insurance coverage affordable – welcome to the welfare trap, middle-class Americans!
Obamacare and Trader Joe’s: An Economic Detective Story
We find out what’s really happening to the grocer’s part-time employees.
Obamacare and Trader Joe’s: The Rest of the Story
We conclude our investigation of the popular grocery store chain’s Obamacare-driven change of philosophy with respect to the value of their employees.
The Odds of Going to the Hospital
We begin the analysis of finding out just how likely it is that a random individual plucked from society might need serious medical treatment.
Do You Even Need Health Insurance?
We help you answer the question that supporters of Obamacare hope you won’t ask!
The Obamacare Cost Gap
Depending upon what plan you find affordable, there may be very little difference for you in how much you’ll actually pay for health care expenses between having health insurance and not having health insurance. We built a tool to help you find out how big the gap in your health care costs can get before you get any real benefit from having health insurance.
Obamacare: Does Buying Health Insurance Make Sense for You?
We consider the situation where buying health insurance through the Obamacare exchanges might make sense for you.

Much of that, of course, is all stuff that people who have actual business or start-up experience would have known and dealt with years ago, long before they might have launched such a dysfunctional web site that’s just as broken as their ideas about health care reform. But then, Political Calculations explained how that could be fixed too, if only the people in charge of the effort cared more about the needs of regular Americans.

And that solution would have cost far less than the $174 million that it cost taxpayers to produce the web site that was broken from Day 1 of its launch.

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November 2013