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Obamacare does not fall short in ways to abuse Americans. It inflicts on them a grotesque federal plan based on paternalism and lies. Obamacare takes away from millions of Americans the health plans they chose, liked and wanted to keep. Obamacare subjects Americans to a dysfunctional and insecure website, built by crony incompetent contractors and abetted by “navigators” who could be convicted felons. Obamacare forces Americans to pay higher premiums for plans with inferior benefits. If Americans have “enrolled” it remains uncertain whether they actually have a plan. And if a couple expecting a child should succeed in actually securing a plan, they now face another problem, as this Associated Press report puts it.
“The Obama administration confirms there is no quick and easy way for consumers to update their coverage under the new health law for the birth of a baby and other common life changes.” What, exactly is the problem? “For now, the website can’t handle new baby updates, along with a list of other life changes including marriage and divorce, a death in the family, a new job or a change in income, even moving to a different community.” In other words, “the system’s wiring for that vital federal function isn’t yet fully connected.”
On Dec. 31 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said the federal insurance marketplace will not be able to add a child until the system’s automated features become “available later.” Unfortunately, as the report notes, “It does not provide any clue as to when that might take place.”
Bob Laszewski, a health industry consultant, told reporters “This needed to be done well before January. It’s sort of a fly-by-night approach.” The baby problem adds “to the list that shows is not done.” A lot more wasn’t done on October 1 and by December 1. But the federal government went ahead with the plan anyway and that turns out bad for babies.
Decades of fathomless federal waste ensure that every American child is born thousands of dollars in debt. Thanks to Obamacare, every American child is born into health insurance uncertainty. If that is not child abuse it’s hard to imagine what might be.