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The Obama-Iran Ransom Plane

Tuesday January 3rd, 2017   •   Posted by Craig Eyermann at 6:00am PST   •  

46981097 - stack of money with wooden pallet Sometime shortly before January 17, 2016, after the Obama administration had withdrawn roughly $400 billion of U.S. taxpayer money from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Settlement Fund account at the U.S. Treasury, it transferred the withdrawn funds electronically overseas to U.S. accounts at the Swiss National Bank in Geneva, Switzerland.

On January 17, 2016, the Obama administration then exchanged those dollars for the equivalent value of Swiss francs in the form of physical banknotes, loading up several wooden pallets with stacks of the bills and wrapping them in plastic before transporting the pallets of cash to Geneva’s international airport, where the money would be traded for four U.S. citizens that Iran’s government had previously arrested on spurious charges and had been holding as hostages.

After the Iranians freed the four Iranian-Americans it had been holding in Tehran and sent them on their way to Tehran’s international airport, the Obama administration loaded the pallets holding the equivalent of $400 billion of U.S. taxpayer cash onto the Iranian government’s plane at the Geneva airport, which then departed.

The Wall Street Journal has uncovered a video posted by a plane spotter at Geneva’s international airport on that day as it was departing, where the arrival of the antiquated Iranian government-owned 737 marked a very rare occurrence for seeing such an old aircraft at the airport.

The video above is the planespotter’s YouTube video. The WSJ has annotated the video at its site, which I’ve transcribed below.

On January 17, 2016, an Iranian government jet picked up $400 million in Swiss francs in Geneva paid by the Obama administration.

The same day, four Iranian-American prisoners were released from Iran.

This video, posted without details to YouTube by an amateur plane spotter, shows the Boeing 737 as it departs Switzerland at around 1:15 p.m., after the U.S. received word that the prisoners had been freed in Tehran and were en route to the airport.

Just before takeoff, the Iranian jet passes two U.S. Air Force planes that had arrived to retrieve the freed Americans.

The two U.S. Air Force planes appear to be C-40C transport aircraft, which is a military version of Boeing’s more modern 737-700 commercial aircraft that is typically used to transport senior ranking U.S. government officials.

Since the transfer of funds, Iran’s government and military have used the cash that they were provided by the Obama administration to increase their aggressive activities across the Middle East and the Persian Gulf.

And that is the story of how $400 billion of U.S. taxpayer dollars that had been sitting idle in a little known account at the U.S. Treasury Department was put to work by the Obama administration.

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January 2017